Starting on Friday,Dec. 11all faculty and staff using HR Direct will be provided with a link to navigate to the State’s Ethic’s Commissions Conflict of Interest Law page. Recent amendment to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law, M.G.L. c.268A, requires that all faculty and staff receive a copy of a summary of the Law each year and submit an acknowledgement of receipt of the summary.
UMass has set up HR Direct to capture each employee’s acknowledgement. This will be presented to employees annually, but will not be required during every single login to HR Direct. Employees are encouraged to review the law summary and acknowledge receipt the first time they see this information presented. An email confirmation will be sent to Human Resources for personnel file recordsand a copy will be also sent to the employee. NOTE: Employees do not need to print out the summary or sign any paper document — this acknowledgement is done electronically.
New faculty and staff must comply within thirty (30) days of hire.
Within HR Direct employees can navigate to this Conflict of Interest page via employee self-service. The path is Self Service > Personal Information > COIAcknowledgement.
See an Example of Acknowledgement.
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